
United We See Campaign

We are raising money for college scholarships and research grants. This is our campaign where we challenge states across the country to raise $10,000 each. If just 1000 people donate $10 per state we can reach our $10,000 goal per state. If each of us pitches just $10, we can become united. All moneys are raised solely for The Juliette RP Vision Foundation. This foundation started in 2008 and has been giving out scholarships to visually impaired college students and research grants to young scientists across the U.S. We thank you for your generous support!

Dr. Robert Melendez
Executive Director
The Juliette RP Vision Foundation

Visit our Fundraising Page on Facebook:

Please use our hashtag #unitedwesee in your social media messages!

Night for Sight New Mexico

We are excited to be launching our inaugural fundraising dinner called Night for Sight. We will be raising money for college scholarships for visually impaired students as well money for research grants for young scientists conducting retina research with the highest priority being on Retinitis Pigmentosa research. At this dinner, we will be inviting a nationally recognized speaker to motivate and inspire the crowd, recognize scholarship and grant recipients, host a silent auction while recognizing our sponsors, donors, and volunteers.

More information to follow regarding specific date and location.

Run for Vision

We are taking a break this year from our annual 5k walk/run event to raise even more money with our new Night for Sight fundraising dinner. We have done well with the Run for Vision every year since 2009, but given the numerous other runs and walks in the Albuquerque market, it is very difficult to compete. Fortunately, we have made money to give out scholarships and grants from Run for Vision, but we want our sponsors and donors to see us elevate our fundraising efforts with our new fundraising dinner, Night for Sight. We appreciate many of you who have sponsored, donated, and volunteered for this event in previous years and we hope that you will join us for an even more fun and engaging evening to support vision and fight blindness.

For more information please contact

Paula Strosnider (Event Director) or Rob Melendez 1-888-465-1482 (Toll Free)   e-mail: or

Special thanks to our many volunteers and sponsors for helping us support vision!

What is Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) refers to a group of inherited diseases causing retinal degeneration. The retina lines the back inside wall of the eye and is responsible for capturing images from the visual field. People with RP experience a gradual decline in their vision because photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) die.

Learn More About Retinitis Pigmentosa

Night For Sight

Awards • Dinner • Dancing • Black Tie

Learn more